Monday, February 23, 2009

The love of the stage!

I really do love to teach, especially something that I absolutely couldn't live without. Dance has been my passion since I was a freshman in high school, and gymnastics was no longer an option. I danced throughout college and couldn't think of anything better to do than teach what I enjoy. I couldn't live paycheck to paycheck as a professional dancer....and this seems to be the next best thing.

Over the last few years I have been dancing alongside a professional dance company here in San Diego. I have performed a half a dozen times, and everytime I wonder why I don't do it more......then I remember I have no time.

Being on stage is like nothing else. I danced my heart out last night....and it was great to hear that Ben thought I was the best one out there (he has to say that). I just wish I had more time to do something that I so truly can't live without......the love of being on the stage!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm One Lucky Girl

I've known from the day I met Ben, that he was a great guy. But the last few days has been a great reminder.

I have been super tired, busy, and incredibly stressed out....and no it doesn't have much to do with the wedding stuff. That is one area we have under control. I've decided to take classes to bump myself up a level on the pay scale, including 2 online, and 3 dance classes at a local college. On top of that I am rehearsing to perform in a show this month, and choreographing for the school's spring musical, and planning the huge dance show I put on every year.

I started feeling sick on Monday, and was really bad by Tuesday night. I was coughing like crazy and was just going to head to my house to avoid keeping Ben up all night by staying at his place. On my way out of class he called and told me to come over to his place so he could take care of me.

Every few hours, I would wake up, coughing like crazy. Instead of letting me fend for myself, he got up out of bed every time, to get me whatever I needed, hot tea, water, medicine, cough drops. For the last week, he's made sure I had whatever sounded good for lunch, dinner, etc. while I sat on the couch being sick.

It's now Saturday....and I'm still sick! Ben was asked yesterday to go on a free trip to Vegas for the weekend. Most guys would jump at the chance. Ben, came to me and said, "The guys asked me to go to Vegas with them this weekend, but I know you aren't feeling well. I'll stay home and take care of you."

Needless to say....I'm not that needy.....and I told him I thought he should go.
He's in Vegas now, and I miss him! I'm also slightly bummed that I'm going to have to get out of bed and get myself something for dinner.

I'm such a baby!